Giving to
Gerringong Anglican Church
The ministry of St George’s receives the great majority of its support from the giving of those who attend. A large proportion of your giving should go towards supporting this ministry from which you and your community benefit. Christians are challenged to support those who labour among us in the Lord and teach us God’s word (1 Corinthians 9) and to support the poor and needy. This means giving to the local church, the work of the gospel further afield and to the poor. We encourage electronic giving to support our ministries although you can use the offertory bag passed around at the 8am service or the offertory box on the wall near the entrance door in the hall.
Gerringong Anglican Bank Details:
Account name: Gerringong Parish Council (Anglican)
BSB: 012 628
Account No: 234 526 013
Mission Giving
At Gerringong Anglican Church, we encourage our members to specifically identify how much they intend to give to mission support in addition to their regular giving. We believe this encourages thoughtful and prayerful mission giving and support. Many of our members give directly to mission agencies but if you wish to give through the church simply include the word “Mission” or the name of the specific missionary or organisation you wish to support when making your donation (either electronically or through the offertory bag or box).