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Your Wedding day is without doubt, a day of great significance to you, your family and friends. Wedding services can be arranged to be held at Gerringong Anglican Church in consultation with the ministry staff.

Gerringong is a picturesque coastal town and for that reason it is a popular Wedding destination. Our traditional church is a delightful but small building seating about 80 people in comfort. If you are interested in being married at Gerringong Anglican please give us a call and we will discuss fees and options for a service with you.


Every funeral service or memorial service is an important occasion. At Gerringong Anglican Church, we have a great deal of experience in conducting and planning funeral and memorial services. We seek to balance the interests of the bereaved family, the funeral company as well as that of our Christian community. The funeral service provides a public opportunity for people to express their grief; extend sympathy to the bereaved; to honour the person who has died; and to be reminded of the Christian truth and the hope and consolation it offers.

If you would like to organise a funeral at Gerringong Anglican, please don't hesitate to contact us to check for available times and dates.

Image by zhengtao tang
Baptisms & Confirmations


Baptism is a symbolic way of recognising God’s promises of forgiveness of sin and adoption as his children for those who put their trust in Jesus. It has been a part of Christian life from the very beginning.

During a baptism service there is a symbolic washing with water of those being baptised, which is accompanied by prayer for the renewing work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The congregation also commits to supporting them as a Christian brother or sister. Those old enough to answer for themselves make their own declaration of faith in Jesus and commitment to living as one of his people.

Since God’s promises also embrace the children of His people, parents who bring their children to be baptised make these promises on behalf of their children, and commit themselves to raising them in the Christian faith and providing an example of Christian living. We pray that the parents will be able to fulfil these responsibilities and that God will in his own time enable these children to turn and trust in Christ.

Those being baptised can have sponsors to support them in their declaration of faith or godparents to make promises on their behalf and commit to helping their parents raise them as Christians.

So that those being baptised can be welcomed into our church family we prefer to hold baptisms during our normal Sunday services.


Before the baptism service one of our ministers will meet with the candidate and/or their parents to discuss what it means to have faith in Christ so that they understand the declarations they will make.

If you wish to be baptised or have your child(ren) baptised, please contact us.


Confirmation is an opportunity to explore what it means to be a Christian and to then make a public declaration of Christian faith. Confirmation is for anyone old enough to make their own decisions about what they believe.

It is called “confirmation” because it involves confirming the promises made during baptism and reaffirming your faith in Jesus before your church family. The confirmation service is a service of laying on of hands and of prayer for God’s blessing. During the confirmation service those being confirmed acknowledge their faith in Christ and their desire to live for and serve God. If a confirmee hasn’t been baptised this can the baptism can happen during the confirmation service. So that those being confirmed understand the Christian faith they will be declaring we offer a series of confirmation classes prior to the confirmation service. If you are interested in being confirmed, please contact us.

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