kids @ Church
10:00am - 11:00am
Join us each Sunday for our Kids@Church program that accompanies our 10am Family Service.
All kids aged 3 - 12 are welcome.

Junior Jivers
10:00am - 11:30Am
Junior Jivers is a music & dance group for preschoolers that also includes craft, free play and story time.
We meet every Monday morning during school term time from 10am till 11:30am at Gerringong Anglican Church. It's only $2 per family, first visit free. BYO kids' morning tea, but tea, coffee & yummy treats are provided for the grownups.
Junior Jivers is a fun way for preschoolers & their big people to make friends in community.
We've been moving & grooving here since 2011 & we look forward to seeing you soon!

6:30pm - 8:30pm
School Years 7 - 12
A safe place to hang out with friends, have fun, be real, play games,
talk God stuff, eat food & be you.
For youth in years 7-12 every Friday in school term time 6:30-8:30pm